Nate Lives On

Stories left to tell….

What remains after someone we love takes their life, are the many stories of their life.  It is up to us, the survivors, to make sure Nate is not only remembered for that final act.  I encourage all of Nate’s family and friends to take the stories, the memories, the talents and acts of kindness that he displayed while he was here with us and make something to remember him by.  Maybe it’s writing a poem or a book, creating a scrapbook, contributing a story or photo album to this website, composing a song, planning a community garden or recycling project, establishing a scholarship in his name or raising funds for one of Nate’s favorite charities.  Give yourself a project to remember the joy that Nate gave you while he was alive.  It is our shared responsibility to keep his story going.  It’s up to us to make something happen; something that gives us hope, joy and allows us to share the incredible life and love Nate gave to all of us.


Be the change you wish to see in the world.

- Mahatma Gandhi